A Collection of Deepened Intellectual Pursuits
-- Perspectives on Neuroscience --
I have spent two years now in collaboration with the Alzheimer's Association. I have funded their efforts via a city-wide clothing drive, volunteered for many of their events, and plan to assist their educators in spreading awareness regarding Alzheimer's disease. The association will be hosting FREE, virtual education classes soon! These classes can be attended by those fighting Alzheimer's, their families/friends, or anyone who is genuinely interested in the topic.

Online Information Sessions: I present online sessions to community members in need of the information and the curious.
Sessions titled:
10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer's
Understanding Alzheimer's and Dementia
Interest Form: https://forms.gle/JKXbyTpfaueAGpiZ7
WIth the Alzheimer's Association...
Join the Cause!
Longest Day:
GoFundMe: gf.me/u/vvuza2