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Share Your Ideas with the World 

Scientia Pieces features written versions of the most intricate, controversial, and interesting concepts in neuroscience. We encourage all individuals under the age of 26, with certain exceptions, to write for this platform! Not only do we provide free editing and web publication services, but we also present you with the invaluable opportunity of impacting others with your composition(s). Our contributors are, thus, able to add to the resources available for those who intend to build on their knowledge of neuroscience and the multitude of topics that branch from it. 



Please ensure that your article aligns with these guidelines to the extent possible. You are always welcome to edit your article in accordance with these guidelines and resubmit them for further consideration upon rejection or direct request.





We take plagiarism seriously. All articles should be original content, with any outside information properly cited. An exception to this is our research summary articles, where a recent publication is restated in layman's terms. However, writing such an article requires express consent from the original author of the study. 


Ensure that you have checked the copyright on any third-party images that you choose to use. 


Please make sure you read the editing process below carefully. Deviations from our Article Writing and Formatting Guidelines will result in the automatic rejection of a submitted article. However, you are always welcome to make changes to a rejected article and resubmit for further consideration. Note that the guidelines are quite general in their application; exceptions will be taken into account upon discussion. 


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